
This blog is a record of the wine that I make and drink. Each flavour made and each bottle drunk will appear here. You may come to the conclusion that, on the whole, I should be drinking less.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Apple Wine 2018 - Fifth Bottle (4), 4th October 2020

There was a prominent apple taste to this wine. Unsurprising, because it is effectively alcoholic apple juice. I chose apple wine to go with a massive slab of roast pork. Claire cooked it slowly, with its skin smothered in chili paste and paprika, producing the best crackling that I have ever had. The wine choice was perfect.

After feasting on this, we watched the final episode of Line of Duty Series 3, which was as tense second time round as the first. Really excellent television.

Crab Apples in our garden, taken on 4 October

This post is dedicated to my reader (identity unknown) now in London. It was a post on Apple Wine that got me into all that bother about a year ago, and which taught me a valuable lesson not to steal people's photos. I just have concerns that the reader who searches for 'apple' every day is the same person who taught me that lesson. If so, he can rest assured that I will not put his photo up again, and all photos used now are mine. If not, drop me a line!


  1. What a grand idea...chili crackling

    1. Hello Pat - definitely give it a go: the heat and the crunch and the fat all go brilliantly.
