
This blog is a record of the wine that I make and drink. Each flavour made and each bottle drunk will appear here. You may come to the conclusion that, on the whole, I should be drinking less.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Kiwi Fruit Wine - First Bottle (3), 4th April 2014

I have been eager to try this wine since I first made it a year ago. The Extended Family Gathering seemed like an appropriate time to crack open the first bottle. And my verdict is that it is quite good and probably worth trying again. There is a strong taste of Kiwi Fruit, so I got that right when making it, and it is a crisp, dry white. Maybe a touch more sugar wouldn't hurt. There is a similarity to ordinary white wine, and that is pleasing. The colour is paler and less green than hoped, but attractive, and its clarity ranged from 'crystal' at the top of the bottle to 'murky' below. My guinea pigs (not literal, you understand) liked it

If you want to see how I made this wine, click here.

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