
This blog is a record of the wine that I make and drink. Each flavour made and each bottle drunk will appear here. You may come to the conclusion that, on the whole, I should be drinking less.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Sloe Wine - Final Bottle (2), 11th-13th July 2012

And so sloe wine comes to an end. It isn't a great bottle and garely makes the "acceptable mid-week drinking" list. Certainly my last glass on returning from book Group was drunk through gritted teeth. (Only the very worst wines get tipped down the sink.) At Book Group we discussed Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides which most of us loved, though Linda was hostile - thinking it at turns silly, racist and insulting. I have to say I disagree - it was a funny, epic sweep that at its heart discussed the nature of 'Self'.

Claire did not attend - she is down in Peterborough looking after her Uncle Bert (who was a drag artiste in the 1970s and can tell an interesting tale) because Wicked Uncle Alasdair has had a stroke and is in hospital. The prognosis is good and rapidly improving, but Bert is distressed and probably needs some looking after. So begins a stage of having elderly and infirm relatives for whom we have some responsibility.

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