
This blog is a record of the wine that I make and drink. Each flavour made and each bottle drunk will appear here. You may come to the conclusion that, on the whole, I should be drinking less.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Elderberry Wine - 12th Bottle (B3), 3rd June 2012

NB 1 - I'm getting a little behind in keeping up with this diary - apologies. NB 2 to follow shortly.

Today is the highlight of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations - a huge flotilla of barges sailing down the Thames. If there is a God, He is a republican. It has pissed it down all day, and the temperature is more March than June.

Our own Jubilee celebrations today have been going to Isabella's party, which was originally to be a barbecue. The weather has scuppered that, so all guests crowded into her flat and mostly ate cake (including an impressive Union Jack Battenburg creation). It has been an age since I saw any of the Medieval crowd, and Claire has never met them, but we both had a splendid time. Despite being more than one-and-a-half times the age of the next oldest guest.

I took a bottle of elderberry and encouraged people to try it. The general reaction was favourable, and I think that was genuine.

NB 2 - I use the word 'republican' in its French Revolution meaning, rather than 'voting for Mitt Romney' meaning.

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