Wednesday 24 July 2013

Blackcurrant Wine - First Bottle (1), 17th July 2013

This blackcurrant wine has a sharp, acidic, fruity taste. It is dry and light and tastes strongly of its base fruit. Claire thinks it is wonderful - an alcoholic Ribena - whereas I think it is merely very good.

Unusually we have drunk the whole bottle on a Wednesday night, but since the WYSO concert was on Saturday (a glorious experience, where we had an enthusiastic audience of 1,190 waving flags, dancing the can-can and drinking lots of bubbly) there has not been an orchestra to attend. Instead I have spent the evening cooking sausages and delighting in the fact that we get instant hot water now that we have had our ancient boiler replaced.


If you want to see how I made this wine, click here. I have recently been getting lots of people searching for 'black currant wine' and finding my blog. Welcome to you all!

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