Monday 22 July 2013

Elderflower Wine - Final Bottle (A4), 15th July 2013

Our last bottle of Elderflower 2011 was drunk at Richard & Linda's. Claire drove, so I drank a goodly portion. Linda doesn't drink and Richard is really only one rung off teetotal. But I had spent a busy day wine-making and feeling hot, so half a bottle of elderflower wine was Just the Thing.

It was a lovely evening. I had not seen Richard and Linda since they came back from Minnesota, and that was a month ago. They had a wonderful time and I got the impression that Linda found her parents in better health than she was expecting. Her father was eighty while they were there, and it meant a lot to Linda to join him for that.

Richard cooked a wonderful meal for us. The absolute highlight was a savoury cake made with pistachios, goats' cheese and prunes. It sounds like it shouldn't have worked, but I had two slices and brought another two home with me.

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