Thursday 25 July 2013

Crab Apple Wine - Fourth Bottle (B1), 20th July 2013

I may be distracted whilst writing this entry. I am playing Scrabble against my mother and Claire, and have just had my hopes of playing the word 'Hoodwink' dashed. Instead, I had to be satisfied with 'Who', allowing Claire 'Comb' on the triple word score and 48 points. Bah!

We are in York, visiting for the last time before Rachael moves back to Leicester, this time accompanied by Paul and Myles. I brought a bottle of crab apple wine to mark the occasion and everyone claimed to enjoy it.

Quick aside - I am currently losing, and there are no letters left in the bag. I am stuck with the K and the Z, and suspect this is all about to go horribly wrong. Still, it has been a lovely evening, some of which I spent feeding Myles liquidised carrot and rice. Most of it went into his mouth. I am not sure how much he swallowed.

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