Thursday 12 September 2013

Blackberry Wine - First Bottle (A6), 31st August 2013

What a splendid evening, and in fact what a splendid day. We have spent it in York, mostly picking blackberries for the 2013 vintage of this wine. I had not expected Keith and family to be here, but they arrived shortly before we left for the cemetery. It has been far, far too long since we have seen them - November last year - and Ellis was initially scared of me. But he was soon showing me his hoola-hooping skills and chatting merrily away.

We all sat around the dining table in the evening, eating a bring-round curry and making lots of noise.

The wine was good - drier than previous years, with a slight fizz and possibly not as alcoholic. But, as I say, the day was splendid.


If you want to see how I made this wine, click here

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