Tuesday 10 September 2013

Elderberry Wine - Third Bottle (B2), 30th August 2013

I wanted to leave this bottle at least until September. Three bottles of elderberry drunk in the last fortnight of August? It is sacrilege. Claire was more sensible. It was clear that the bottle would explode sooner rather than later. Why not share it between ourselves rather than with the carpet as well? So I opened the wine and poured it into the waiting jug where it fizzed and bubbled.

The wine fizzing and bubbling
It was a lazy Friday night where we drank the wine to homemade breadsticks and tapas, to an unseen episode of QI and a couple of episodes of Twenty Twelve. I rang Rachael to find out how she and family are all settling in back at Leicester - chaotically seems to be the answer. Myles is frustrated that currently he can only crawl backwards.

The wine having calmed down a little

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