Tuesday 13 March 2012

Rhubarb Wine - Bottle B3, 11th March 2012

There is a cat at my feet about to pounce on something in a dimension undiscernable to the human eye. And in the time it has taken me to write that sentence, Aggie has left the room, chasing something that was not there.

Today has officially been a Good Day. It was the Peter and the Wolf performance, and it went splendidly (despite a missing second oboist). The audience was large and packed with noisy children - which was entirely fitting. My 'Grandfather' bits went as well as they were ever going to, and I got to show off my bassoon to a child exactly the same height as it after the concert.

The last bottle of Rhubarb 2010 was therefore a fitting bottle tonight - a touch of sparkle and the merest hint of pink. This has been an excellent batch of rhubarb wine; probably the best I have made. And only another seven weeks before we try Rhubarb 2011.


  1. Know what you mean about cats. First time I lived all on my own, I had a cat called Adolf. He'd sit at the bottom of the stairs, in the front room, and stare up - into nothingness. For the first few months of living there, I had a knife under my pillow and kept ALL the lights on all night. Bloody cat cost me a fortune in electricity and once I nicked my earlobe. As to the Rhubarb wine: my sister has a rhubarb patch, dunno if right time of year or not, but am determined to try and make wine!

  2. I generally make my rhubarb wine in May, and I think there is last year's method on here (search in the 'making wine' or 'rhubarb' tags). It is definitely worth doing.

    And as for cats, they occasionally walk over my face when I am in bed. I don't know why we keep them.
