Sunday 11 March 2012

Blackberry Wine - Bottle B1, 10th March 2012

Today's most noteworthy feature was not this wine, lovely as it was, but an experiment I shall not be trying again: I attempted to cut my own hair.

In the past this task has always been performed by Claire using a set of clippers. This morning, when I got out of the bath, Claire was out gardening. Rather than disturb her I thought I would show some initiative and do it myself. How difficult could it be?

My beard trimmer proved ineffective and ran out of batteries, so I got the clippers and applied them to a small area of head. The result? Instant baldness - on one of the side bits where I normally have hair. Oh well - it was only a tiny area, so I adjusted a leaver and tried again, this time with confidence.

Now with a much larger entirely shorn patch I ran into the garden (quickly donning my dressing gown so as not to frighten the neighbours) shouting "Claire, I've had a disaster". She was her usual competent self, gave me a very short cut all over, and I no longer look like I have had a bad experience with ring worm.


  1. What about: Ben's Adventures In - 'Haircutting'?

    We've all been there Ben, worn the T shirt, cut our own hair. I once attempted to dye my hair blonde (like you do) and decided to discard the crochet needle type apparatus for pulling hair through the plastic hood thingamajig. I just ripped big holes in it and ended up with massive blonde spots in my mousey covered hair. The wasps and bees plagued my hair for months. Shall we go back to wearing cloth caps?

  2. I thought that my hair was so sparse that disaster would be impossible. But no. I have never tried dying my hair, though. I am far too conventional for that.
