Thursday 15 March 2012

Redcurrant Wine - Bottle A4, 13th-14th March 2012

This was the bottle of wine which included a five inch piece of string soaking for extra flavour. The string was not in the recipe books, but the result of a disaster whilst bottling. Perhaps 'disaster' is over-egging it somewhat. In fact, the string did not adversely affect this wine - if anything, it has been the least objectionable bottle of redcurrant so far. And that is a Good Thing, because I am currently cross. Mostly about oboists. I need two to play in Scheherazade in July and I potentially have none. I'm not sure why I am as tense as I am (it being months away) and the wine has helped a little.

Claire has distracted me from brooding by taking me on a tour of our bookshelves to choose 'Guilt Books' for our summer Book Group party. These are those books which were given or loaned and sit on the shelf unopened. Claire's most likely choice is Tarka the Otter, won as a school prize when she was twelve. Mine must be The Chamber by John Grisham - probably not my usual choice of book but, crucially, given to me by my grandmother - who died in 2001.


  1. Books are like old friends to me Ben. Especially the one's that you let somebody read and you never see them again.

    Have you ever had a go at making mead?

  2. Mead involves a huge amount of honey, and honey is currently very expensive, so - no. I might try it one day if I am feeling flush, though.

  3. Do excuse the intrusion - I follow your blog, although I cannot recall how I came across it..... I may be able to pass on the contact details for a couple of oboists, if you are still looking for any.

  4. Hello Jenny - Firstly, I am delighted at the intrusion and the fact that you follow the blog! Oboist details are always helpful. My e-mail address is .

  5. thanks Ben, will pass them on as I get their permission to do so, via your email. Jen
