Saturday 10 March 2012

Crab Apple Wine - Bottle A4, 8th-9th March 2012

I had my first glass from this bottle whilst reacquainting myself with the middle ages. Since finishing my MA in Medieval Studies nearly two years ago I have hardly touched the era - unless one counts visiting Gothic churches and cathedrals. However, this week I began reading a promising book about Thomas Becket (imaginatively titled Thomas by Shelley Mydans) though it is fiction, and last night I watched a documentary about Empress Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Though simplified, with some jarring images (lots of Victoriana and many shots of York when Oxford was being discussed) it was well done with a consistent argument. Maybe one day I shall return properly to the subject.

We finished the bottle tonight to a meal of 'The Sick and the Weak' which was rather more splendid than usual: left-over chicken with chickpeas and Moroccan spices, and a side helping of cabbage and cashews bathed in pomegranate molasses.

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