Saturday 7 June 2014

Orange Wine - Fourth Bottle (B3), 29th-30th May 2014

Orange wine and swimming seem to be inexorably linked. I came back from my second swimming session (20 lengths this time - I am making progress) to find an open bottle of orange wine. And very good it was too - this is a particularly fine batch of orange.

Claire finished what was left on Friday while I was up in Newcastle for Sam's stag-do. This is only the second stag event I have been on, and was far more my cup of tea. The first was twenty years ago and ended up in a Birmingham strip-club. This one involved a long walk in the Cheviots, aided by brilliant sunshine, then beer and curry on Newcastle Quayside. It was a lovely day and made the better by it not ending with someone tied naked to a lamp post.

This did not happen

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