Sunday 8 June 2014

Elderberry Wine - Ninth Bottle (A3), 1st June 2014

We have been given a slow-cooker by Claire's colleague, Becky, and tonight we have tried it out for the first time. Claire has made an ox-cheek stew and it was fabulous. Full of thick, rich flavour. It needed a heavy red, and elderberry fits that description better than any other home-made wines. This bottle fizzed but did not explode on opening and has slipped down very nicely indeed.

It has been a lovely end to a glorious day. I spent this morning with Sooz, promenading along the front at Whitley Bay, enjoying the sunshine, eating an icecream and talking about all sorts - though mostly Radio 4 related. And coming home is always welcome.

Where I bought my icecream

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