Sunday 25 May 2014

Strawberry Wine - Final Bottle (5), 17th May 2014

On a beautiful late-spring day, I took this final bottle of strawberry wine over to Richard & Linda's, where we were treated to a Vietnamese meal. Richard was lead cook and everything was an experiment. The home-made spring rolls were delightful - crispy, light, full of flavour - and proved to be the highlight.

The next course was meant to be stir-fried pork, prawns and vegetables in crepes. Linda, Claire and I sat on the comfy chairs while Richard prepared it. After about 45 minutes it was clear that things were not going to plan. We ended up with stir-fry and the crepes ended up in the bin.

Pudding was ice-cream, banana fritters (delicious) and a weird green cake thing made with some sort of leaf. I had seconds of the first two.

Strawberry wine was a good choice - the fruit complemented the meal and it is one of Richard's favourites.

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