Monday 26 May 2014

Crab Apple Wine - Final Bottle (C4), 18th May 2014

And so Goodbye Crab Apple 2012. You have been pretty much the same as every other vintage of crab apple wine since we got the tree. No better, no worse.

I do enjoy crab apple wine - it has a strong cider taste, but remains a wine. We have drunk tonight's bottle to pan-fried tuna with griddled courgettes and aubergines, fried potato chunks and a tomato sauce. All delicious. And there is still pudding to come.

Much of today has been spent in the garden. It has been one of those rare English summer days (despite it still being spring) where we have had continuous sunshine and it has been hot enough to sit bare-chested, reading. My book is a graphic novel for Book Group and I hate it. Not because it is a graphic novel, but because of its subject matter - Jack the Ripper. It is From Hell and is compelling, in a disgusting, ghoulish way.

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