Friday 9 May 2014

Crab Apple & Strawberry Wine - Fourth Bottle (4), 4th May 2014

This bottle was universally popular, and quite right too. It is semi-sweet, a glorious pink colour and has a distinct, fruity taste.

The ascent of Catbells

We are in a cottage in the Lake District with Rachel, Duncan, Nick and Ann, and of the three bottles of mine opened so far (all of which have been good), this has been the best received. It came at the end of a day where we climbed Catbells, and walked by Derwent Water. The summit of Catbells was monumentally windy. I struggled to stay upright. But there is a joyous feeling at the top of a hill being hit by a gale. I loved every second.

The top of Catbells

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