Sunday 9 February 2014

Prune & Parsnip Wine - First Bottle (A4), 2nd-4th February 2014

This is an excellent batch of Prune & Parsnip. It is golden in colour and sweet in taste, though far from cloying. I don't know if I have made better. Looking back at the 2012 batch I see that the first bottle of that was the best, and maybe therefore this is one to drink young.

We drank most of the bottle on Sunday after a day out walking round the Castle Howard estate, eating an oxtail stew wrapped in a giant Yorkshire pudding and losing to my mother at Scrabble. Her first word was 'Theatre' and I never caught up from there.

Today's glass was drunk after spending much of the day visiting Stonebridge's sites. At one I had to tell a car salesman that he was selling cars from land that we own. Fortunately we are happy with the status quo and he wasn't at all aggressive. Rather lovely, actually. But I was nervous starting the conversation.

Castle Howard
If you want to see how I made this wine, click here.

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