Friday 21 June 2013

Strawberry Wine - Final Bottle (3), 12th-13th June 2013

Rosie introduced a new word into my vocabulary during the course of this bottle: 'Hangry'. It is the feeling of inexplicable irritation when one has not eaten for some time. I am often hangry, and the conversation arose as I was serving our main meal at quarter past eight on Thursday night. Spanish omelette takes an age to cook, and this surprises me every time.

I opened the final bottle of strawberry as an example of one of my best wines, and of the three flavours Rosie got to try during her four day stay with us she said this was her favourite. That was the plan. Strawberry is an excellent wine - it has a strong taste of its base fruit, but is also a dry rosé wine that is a close cousin to the real thing. And of course the colour is delightful.

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