Sunday 23 June 2013

Elderflower Wine - First Bottle (B3), 15th June 2013

I am pleased to report that this elderflower vintage is exactly the same as all others. So it has a crisp, dry taste which is distinctive, and the clarity is excellent.

I took it to York with me for an evening of chatting to Rachael and playing with Myles. Paul has just finished his exams so was out celebrating, Pop was at Guy Dodson's Memorial Dinner and Mom is in Nebraska. We drank wine and at fish, chips and spinach, and generally put the world to rights. When Rachael presented me with a bowl of sliced potatoes and asked me if this was enough, I asked "For one person?" She cut up another one and we had plenty, filling up on chocolate cake, what with it having been my birthday the day before.


If you want to read about how I made this wine, click here

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