Saturday 4 May 2013

Orange Wine - Third Bottle (A6), 1st-2nd May 2013

It has happened again. Despite all my best intentions, I find myself with a new committee position. On Wednesday night I was elected WYSO secretary. Bah! And I continue as woodwind rep. A large glass of orange wine was required to soften the blow.

In fact, I knew this was coming. Jude and Katie had asked me nicely a few weeks ago and I said that if no-one else volunteered I would do it. I think I can spot the fatal error. However, I dearly love WYSO and therefore I will hate the role less than I hated being Music Club secretary. There - that's positive thinking.

The bottle was finished on Thursday night after Claire and I had returned from our chamber ensembles. We are now on holiday for over a week - off to the Forest of Dean - so sat up late celebrating.

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