Wednesday 1 May 2013

Blackberry Wine - Thirteenth Bottle (B4), 27th-28th April 2013

After four margaritas and a bottle of pinot grigio, one might argue that half a bottle of Blackberry tips the evening into excess. However, as this was all shared between four, I would suggest that it remains within the bounds of 'reasonable'.

The Hepworth Gallery

Claire and I took Bob and Judith to Pinche Pinche for a Mexican meal after having spent the afternoon at the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield. Both experiences were well worth the effort. The Hepworth building itself is fabulous - jutting out where a canal meets a river - with huge white rooms and enormous windows. Some good art too.

We finished the bottle on Sunday while watching Doctor Who: the episode was the best of a pretty shaky recent bunch. I have yet to fall in love with the companion.

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