Monday 21 January 2013

Spiced Beetroot Wine - Third Bottle (4), 20th January 2013

Claire was adamant that only Spiced Beetroot would be right for tonight's meal, though she would not tell me what would be served. I had just come home from playing in a concert at Saltaire and so was too exhausted to make more than a token protest. But we are drinking this flavour more quickly than I would generally allow.

The concert was a family friendly one, including Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra and many movements from the Nutcracker Suite. By the end of it both my lips and my bassoon were objecting. Half a bottle of Spiced Beetroot wine later and I am ready for bed.

Claire was right (she generally is). The wine went well with Haggis, roast potatoes and cauliflower in an onion sauce. And it is a fabulous colour.

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