Saturday 26 January 2013

Rhubarb Wine - Ninth Bottle (B2), 22nd-25th January 2013

Well, what a lot happened during the four days this bottle was open.

Tuesday - nothing much (to the extent that I can barely remember that Tuesday existed).

Wednesday was a satisfactory WYSO rehearsal where we are getting to grips with Dvorak 7.

Thursday, however, I met Myles (and forgot to take a bottle of wine with me, for which I was sorely chastised). He is small and gremlin-like in the best possible way. Rachael appears to have taken to motherhood as if she was born to it, and Paul glows with pride. I was not going to get out of the house without a hold of the baby - and it made me far less uncomfortable than I would have predicted. To the extent that I enjoyed it.

Then Friday we had the most exciting bus journey ever outside a Keanu Reeve's movie, on the unlikely route 'Harrogate to Leeds'. It was the final bus of the evening, and the roads were snow covered. Our Polish driver, presumably used to these conditions, saw it as an adventure and at one point drove up a hill on the wrong side of the road, passing all the cars travelling at less than walking pace. Claire and I looked out nervously for traffic coming the other way. Once we were safely home (after a mile's walk in four inches of snow) we felt justified in finishing the rhubarb wine.


  1. Phew Ben, rather you than me with that bus ride!!! I made Rhubarb wine a couple of years ago and found it so successful that I recall last winter deciding to keep the last remaining bottle to have nicely chilled on a hot Summer's day ... needless to say it's still unopened; perhaps that day will come this year!

  2. Hello Jerry - apologies for the delay in responding. The bus ride was entertaining in retrospect (and actually quite exciting at the time). Most my wine is better the longer it is kept so I imagine your rhubarb will be wonderful. Certainly it is a flavour I do every year - it is the one that tastes most like real wine (and is often fizzy, which I think is a Good Thing).

  3. I agree. Rhubarb is a very pleasant tipple, possibly one of the best and easiest to make. I intend on making much more this year, possibly a 5 gallon batch!
