Tuesday 29 May 2012

Rose Petal Wine - First Bottle (4), 26th May 2012

It has been such lovely weather recently that drinking a bottle of Rose Petal wine in the evening sunshine just seemed like the right thing to do. Claire, Rachel, Duncan and I sat in the garden draining this bottle as a prelude to a Mexican meal in Chapel Allerton.

The wine was dry and unusual. It is a pleasant pink colour though without the absolute clarity of Rhubarb wine. There was a definite taste of Turkish Delight, which given the ingredients is hardly a surprise. I thought that maybe the wine lacked body, but everyone else said they thought it rather good. On the whole a qualified 'hit'.
This was a bottle of wine made from grapes had later in the evening at the restaurant.
NB - If you want to see how I made this wine, you can click this link here to get to an earlier blog post.


  1. I also like Mexican and Indian restaurants Ben, well except for the music. I can't stand waiting staff either who keep saying:

    "Is every think OK?"

    American rocker Ted Nugent once said that he bid 10 million dollars to purchase Musak - they record music for supermarkets. Apparently psychologists use music to spend shoppers up, make them happy and even purchase wine!

  2. I used to find the music an irritant, but have in fact come to rather like it. Over attentive waiters are annoying, but at Pinche Pinche, they were actually very good.

    Muzak in supermarkets seems to have disappeared. I can't remember the last time I heard any, but I remember it being a staple of the 70s and 80s.
