Sunday 27 May 2012

Elderflower Wine - Bottle B4, 25th May 2012

As I walked out of the house this morning, Claire asked which bottle of white wine she could put in the fridge for tonight. Now, this left me in a quandry. We have already drunk May's ration of white wine. However, the weather is such that chilled white wine is where it is at, so I e-mailed Claire from work with the answer 'elderflower'.

We have had a pleasant Friday evening drinking this. Most of it whilst Claire was spread out on the chaiselongue, with me lying on the sofa, alternatively chatting and reading. I have just started my 'Guilt' book; The Chamber by John Grisham. About which, I was prepared to be sniffy, but in fact (so far) it is quite good. As is the elderflower wine. It is one of those wines which has little variation from year to year. And in this particular case, that is a Good Thing.


  1. Have you been out collecting Elderflowers recently? I spotted and snapped up my first bag today :)

  2. It is too early for elderflowers here in Leeds. I saw my first ones on Wednesday, but not enough to pick. My guess is that it will be a fortnight before they are prevalent, and another week or so before it is wine making season. However, my next wine (due to lack of space in the freezer) is to be 'rhubarb and elderflower', for which I think I will only need a few heads of flowers. Watch this space ...
