Saturday 28 April 2012

Gooseberry & Elderflower - Bottle 2, 22nd April 2012

Claire convinced me to open this bottle two months earlier than I would otherwise have done. We are staying in a cottage in the Peak District for a week, and this is one of the half dozen bottles that I have brought. It was to be an example of one of my best, and so it has proved. I thought elderflower dominated, but Claire disagreed - thinking gooseberry was just as prominent. Nick pointed out it had a subtle nutty flavour. Everyone liked it, and it was a suitable reward for a twelve mile walk, some of it in relentless rain, that took in forests, rivers, valley gorges and an ancient stone circle. By the end of the the walk our pace increased from 'dawdling' to 'determined' in our desire to reach the wherewithal for a cup of tea.


  1. Can you still get Dandelion and Burdock minerals in England Ben? I think we used to get Ben Shaws pop and it came from Huddersfield. Have you ever had a go at making the non-alcoholic stuff?

  2. I haven't had Dandelion & Burdock in years. I think there is a company that makes it in a 'retro' fashion - they do ginger beer and lemonade too, but I can't remember their name. I have never tried making it, or anything non-alcoholic. Generally if I am drinking anything soft, it is coffee, tea or water.
