Friday 27 April 2012

Blackberry Wine - Bottle A5, 21st April 2012

Drunk in Spout Cottage, Derbyshire.

We are on holiday and spending a week in the Peak District with Rachel, Duncan, Nick and Nick's cousin Ann. I have brought six bottles of home brew with me, and this was the first - to accompany lamb koftas, rice and spinach. It was, however, not the only bottle of wine consumed and I am struggling to keep this diary in focus.

Shortly after arriving at the cottage (which was an adventure in itself - the narrow winding road approaching it went on beyond the "are you sure this is right?" point) the next door owner came over. I commented after he had gone "He sounds remarkably like Matthew Parris" and discovered he was. Which, as a meeting someone famous story, isn't all that impressive.

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