Sunday 1 April 2012

Blackcurrant Wine - Bottle 4, 30th March 2012

This was the first bottle I opened at the Extended Family Gathering in Great Hucklow, Derbyshire. I thought it likely the cousins, uncle and aunts would be interested in sampling some of my wine, so brought four of my best bottles, though only three were drunk. That makes it sound like a near tee-total weekend, which I can assure you it was not.

The reaction to this wine was wholly positive. Emily and Abbie, neither of whom like red wine, claimed they enjoyed this flavour - mostly because it was sweet and tastes of Ribena.

One negative was that each bottle of my wine opened cost £2.50 corkage fee. Outrageous. Paying for wine made by me goes entirely against the grain. It increased the wine's raw cost seven-fold, so I got my father to pay.


  1. Did you get the wine waiter for their professional opinion Ben?

  2. I was the wine waiter (which makes the corkage fee even more outrageous) and my professional opinion was "yum".
