Thursday 29 March 2012

Elderflower Wine - Bottle A1, 27th-29th March 2012

This was meant to be a bottle of crab apple wine. I was out on Tuesday playing quartets in Ilkley and Claire, reasonably, fancied a glass of wine after viola practice. But searching high and low for crab apple proved fruitless, so elderflower it was. And a fine bottle it is too; crisp and dry with an unmistakable flavour.

We each had a glass on Wednesday, after WYSO, at which we played Russian music and Claire gave part of her grandmother's rhubarb plant to Amy. So far, everyone who has owned that rhubarb has lived to 101. Mind you, this is only a sample of one person, so perhaps less impressive than it initially sounds.

We have finished the bottle tonight and I am officially on holiday. Tomorrow I travel to Derbyshire for an 'Extended Hardy Family Do' where there will be all manner of aunts, siblings, cousins, uncles and parents.

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