Tuesday 5 July 2011

Gooseberry - Bottle A6, 3rd-4th July 2011

We came back from a wonderful weekend in York spent celebrating my parents' 70th birthdays to find this bottle open and half a glass missing. Either there had been a careful and abstemious thief or the warm weather had caused another explosion. I suspect the former. I put another cork in the neck and into the fridge it went.

The half bottle of Christmas Tutti Fruti proved Not Enough on Sunday night, so we drank (rather more than) half of this too. Our meal was a spinach and tomato quiche, potato salad made with mustard seeds, lemon juice and olive oil, and a salad from the garden incorporating nasturtium flowers - colourful and tasty. The gooseberry wine was fizzy (obviously) and both sharp and sweet, making it an excellent accompaniment.

Our meal

Claire finished the bottle on Moday with a little help from me after I returned from my Orchestra barbeque.

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