Monday 4 July 2011

Christmas Tutti Fruti - Bottle A1, 30th June-3rd July 2011

Summer has obviously arrived. One can tell this by the light nights, the abundance of roses and the exploding bottles. I noticed on Thursday that this had popped its cork so put it in the fridge. Claire retrieved it the same evening whilst I was out at an Italian wine-tasting event. There were 27 bottles to try, and I probably got through 15 of them - following it up with a curry and more wine. Which meant Friday was spent feeling delicate.

We finished the bottle tonight after a day filled with wine-making activities and little else. The final glass was drunk during a wander round our garden, harvesting blackcurrants and admiring the first courgette of the season. Very shortly this will cease to be exciting.


  1. Why should it cease to be exciting? And anyway, the seasons change. The nights are getting longer.. Here is to wine and fruit and summer :-)

  2. Why should it cease to be exciting? And anyway, the seasons change. The nights are getting longer.. Here is to wine and fruit and summer :-)

  3. You are right, Madzia - it won't stop being exciting. Even when we are on compulsory courgettes every day for a month. But it won't stop me complaining.
