Tuesday 16 February 2021

Blackberry Wine 2019 - Ninth Bottle (C1), 11th-12th February 2021

It turns out that making stew is really easy. You just put some meat and vegetables in a pot with enough water to cover and then let it cook on the hob for a couple of hours. To mark my new found skill (which was an Irish stew with dumplings) we drank half a bottle of blackberry wine, which is the correct wine for a peasant's meal. The rest was finished on Friday before Book Group, which was an entertaining discussion on Parade's End - a huge book with which I have struggled and not enjoyed.

Patterns in the Ice - taken on 11 February


  1. You can even add your wine to stews and casseroles Ben. Stews are great after gardening or a good hill walk.

    1. Hello Dave - Now I have discovered how easy they are, I think that they will become a more frequent winter meal! And now the weather has improved, there is gardening to be done!
