Wednesday 2 September 2020

Xmas Tutti Fruti 2018 - Eighth Bottle (A5), 28th August 2020

A Friday Night Bottle of Wine. We are at the start of a Bank Holiday Weekend, and I spent most of Friday night putting blackberry wine into its demijohns. We drank this bottle to a fiery chick-pea-and-butternut-squash curry, and then to an episode of Green Wing, which is our current Binge Watch of choice. The wine was decent without being memorable: there is a welcome roundness to it but no one fruit dominates.

With apologies, for what must rank as one of the dullest entries in this entire blog!

And here is a dull photo to go with it


  1. Great to hear from you! It's never dull!
    Going to have a go at your tutti fruiti this year!

    1. Excellent - and thanks for getting in touch. Tutti Fruti is an odd one: some years (2014) it is just the best wine ever made, and others (2012) it is merely passable. But that is what comes from bunging everything in the freezer (apart from fish fingers and Findus Crispy Pancakes) into your bucket. Let me know how you get on. (And I maintain that this entry really isn't very interesting at all. Some would argue that about most of my blog posts! I'm looking at my wife here.)
