Tuesday 15 September 2020

Prune & Parsnip Wine 2017 - Tenth Bottle (A5), 8th-9th September 2020

This was one of those mid-week bottles where both wine and the days on which it was consumed were unremarkable. Not bad by any means - just ordinary. Nothing dramatic happened at Work, in the evenings we ate and watched television, the cats didn't bring anything unwanted into the house. 

I nearly finished our Book Group Book: My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante, which I have enjoyed but not as much as the superlative comments on its cover would suggest. I wouldn't make everyone read it, it is not an unconditional masterpiece and Ferrante is not the foremost modern writer in the world: all claims on the back of the book. It passed the time.

Taken on 9th September

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