Tuesday 25 August 2020

Prune & Parsnip Wine 2019, Fourth Bottle (A4) - 14th-15th August 2020

This started life as a Friday night bottle. Our fridge-freezer had just packed in, and so it was a stressful start to the weekend. However, it improved massively (for me, at least). I spent the rest of Friday night playing wind quintets in a garden in Woodhouse - the first time that I have played in an ensemble since March. It was such a lovely evening - what would once have been ordinary has become special. Unexpectedly, my favourite piece of the evening was an arrangement of Mahler. Leaving Claire with this bottle was a small sacrifice, and I had plenty on Saturday.

Taken on 14 August - allotments off Harrogate Road


  1. Super allotment photo Ben. Especially the small polytunnel. I liked your door photos too.

    1. Thanks Dave - These allotments are the ones closest to where I live, and it was where Julia's allotment was (Julia being the good friend who kept me supplied with gooseberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants until she died 6 years ago). And thanks for your comment on the door photos: I have a series of doors on my Instagram account. I like a good door!
