Saturday 6 June 2020

Xmas Tutti Fruti 2018 - First Bottle (A2), 25th December 2019

My only criticism of this wine is that it is not as good as Xmas Tutti Fruti 2014 - but then again, very little is. We had a direct comparison and also with 2017's vintage. This bottle was the middle of the three in both taste and order drunk. It needs time to mature, but is definitely one of my better mixed-fruit wines. The blackcurrant is dominant (not a surprise when looking at the ingredients), but it is rounder and more interesting than pure blackcurrant.

Our meal this year was a rib of beef (rather than turkey) with other traditional Christmas food also appearing - even sprouts (albeit they were not boiled to buggery). It was a lovely, joyful Christmas Day.

If you want to see how I made this wine, click here.

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