Sunday 28 June 2020

Xmas Tutti Fruti 2014 - Final Bottle (A2), 25th December 2019

Merry Christmas to one and all. I had left this bottle for several years because I think it is absolutely the best wine that I have ever made. But I didn't want it developing that sherry taste that fruit wines can get if left too long. Therefore Christmas Day, five years after it was made, seemed a suitable occasion. 

We are hosting festivities in Leeds this year, with all Taylors down to stay, and it has been a lovely day. Claire and I started it at the Park Run in Roundhay Park: she was running and I most definitely was not. There were hundreds of runners there - many in costume. The Taylors arrived at about one (I was still sweeping) and from then on the day was full of laughter, food and rather too much to drink.

Waiting for the Park Run to begin


  1. I found this website through your celery wine recipe from 8 years ago. I love that you're still experimenting and having fun!!

    1. Hello Ak - Thanks for dropping by. Yup, still experimenting. My most recent one was a mixed flower wine, and I have no idea which direction that will go in. The celery wine was not a great success! Ben
