Wednesday 24 June 2020

Gooseberry Wine 2019 - First Bottle (2), 2nd May 2020

I am really happy with this Gooseberry Wine, and as it looks like it is going to be another bumper year for gooseberries, I will make it again in a couple of months. It tastes absolutely of gooseberries and is sharp, dry and refreshing. It will be an ideal summer drink to have with mackerel. On Saturday we drank it with stuffed tomatoes and asparagus in filo pastry. The day had been spent on a sunny 12 mile walk from Roundhay Park to Thorner and back as part of my Lockdown Walking Holiday. I was exhausted by the end of it and my current average step-count for May is phenomenal. 

My lunch spot on 2 May

If you want to see how I made this wine, click here.

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