Friday 26 June 2020

Apple Wine 2019 - First Bottle (3), 20th June 2020

I opened this on the day it was bottled because I did not want to sacrifice a third cork to this particular vessel. The first cork got stuck in my corking machine and the string snapped for my second attempt, so I gave it up as a bad job and put this bottle in the fridge.

The wine is too dry - I should have used sugar when racking, but with a dash of sugar syrup it is a pleasant, unremarkable white that tastes vaguely of apples.

Earlier in the day, I was chief witness to two cyclists being knocked off their bikes by a car. The result was plenty of blood and ambulances and one impressive black eye. It could have been much worse.

Actually, not all that much blood

If you want to see how I made this wine, click here.

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