Thursday 21 May 2020

Blackcurrant Wine 2018 - Eighth Bottle (B2), 24th April 2020

Just because we are on Lockdown doesn't mean that Claire and I cannot go on holiday. Last night we had a mini-break and camped in the back garden, underneath the apple tree, in our two-man tent. Our meal was (mostly) cooked on a camping stove and we drank the local wine - a splendid bottle of blackcurrant. As night fell we played Scrabble and increased the number of layers worn. Whilst we have camped in colder (north rim of the Grand Canyon), I was in four layers plus fleece hat. It was a lovely evening, though not the best night's sleep. I woke to the Dawn Chorus and bumble-bees collecting nectar.

This is my favourite ever photo of Claire and me.

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