Monday 29 January 2018

Xmas Tutti Fruti - Second Bottle (A5), 25th-26th January 2018

It is not often that we have steak, and when we do, we have it rare. Our freezer is in desperate need of a defrost, so we are gradually eating our way through its contents. This steak dates from December 2016. It was still delicious, with a wonderful mushroom sauce and potatoes fried with expertise (by me). Of course we needed something red to go with it, and this Christmas Tutti Fruti is, in fact, rather good. There is a slight fizz and plenty of flavour. It being Burns Night, I had already had a stiff whisky and it being a Thursday I though it unwise to finish the bottle. The remnants were saved for tonight, before opening a bottle of Nasty Mango Wine.

Our freezer isn't quite this bad!

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