Wednesday 26 July 2017

Rhubarb Wine - Fifth Bottle (C6), 22nd-23rd July 2017

Our only weekend bottle (unless one counts Friday) and thus unusual. I opened this wine after depositing Adam in Holmfirth to watch his father's Madness Tribute Band (we heard a sound check that was painfully loud). Earlier I had taken Adam to see the Arlom graves in Almondbury - I'm sure every 16-year-old's idea of a good time is visiting their great great great great grandfather's tomb.

Back at home we drank warm rhubarb wine (not quite as good as cold) and read our books. Claire is on a Dalziel and Pascoe kick and I am enjoying A Desert in Bohemia by Jill Paton Walsh. The remnants of the wine were finished on Sunday before we went to a concert in the Rawdon Friends' Meeting House in aid of Amnesty International. It was bassoon and flute trios played brilliantly by the Meltemi Trio, and a good night out.

A Special Kind of Madness - the said Tribute Band

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