Monday 10 July 2017

Blackcurrant Wine - Sixteenth Bottle (C3), 4th July 2017

My parents have kittens. I wonder if this is a wise investment. They are 76. (The parents, not the kittens.) Their names are Rufus & Abbie and they are adorable (the kittens, not the parents). Rufus is ginger and Abbie dark tortoise-shell, and their interests include "Beating each other up", "Purring loudly" and "Attacking paper balls". I had wondered whether visiting kittens was mistimed, on the basis that Aggie's lifespan can now be measured in hours, but it was better than 'Fine'.

We drank blackcurrant wine as our first bottle of the evening, and it was as good as ever. Mom experimented on us with fennel, fried chicken and aubergines, and I gave Pop a quick lesson on Facebook.

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