Wednesday 12 April 2017

Ya Ya Pear Wine - First Bottle (2), 5th-6th April 2017

Well, this is quite an odd wine. It isn't disgusting or bland - and those were my two "Most Likely Adjectives". However, 'Nice' doesn't really feature either. There is a chemical taste to it, reminiscent of pear-drops. Claire describes the wine as 'astringent'. It is drinkable - albeit a mid-week bottle - and I'm satisfied with that. Good colour as well - the barest hint of pink.

This evening I finished the bottle while ditching TalkTalk from our lives. Our internet service has been getting increasingly awful. Last night it took me an hour to watch 9 minutes of Broadchurch, and something needed to be done. Claire suggested that I ask to be released without the early exit fee. I did, and it worked!

If you want to see how I made this wine, click here.

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