Tuesday 21 February 2017

Xmas Tutti Fruti - Second Bottle (A4),15th-16th February 2017

If I say that this bottle was disappointing, it is only because I know how good Christmas Tutti Fruti can be. My sole complaint is that there is a thinness to it which was missing from 2014's vintage. Taste-wise it is fine, if not very interesting.

I opened the bottle on a Wednesday - which was a rare night in, on account of it being half-term and no WYSO rehearsal, and we finished it on Thursday. Little of interest happened on either day - which makes for a dull read (apologies). I saw an excellent docudrama - The Moorside - based on the Shannon Matthews kidnapping. The acting was exemplary, but the programme has been criticised for being too soon after the event (9 years) - the girl involved is only now 18.

The three main characters in 'The Moorside' - all fabulous actors

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