Saturday 9 April 2016

Crab Apple Wine - 13th & 14th Bottles (C3 & C6), 1st & 2nd April 2016

I am on the border of Derbyshire and Staffordshire with 36 family members. This is the third extended family get-together I have organised (this time with help from Lou) and it has been wonderful. Being the highly-strung individual that I am, I have spent much of the last several months flipping between states of anxiety - mostly because I fell out badly with one family member over the whole thing. But in fact, it has all worked, and absolutely everyone is having a good time. We range in age from 3 to 76 and come from Coll in the Hebrides to Hertfordshire, with Lynn & Billy having travelled from Texas for the occasion. Of course I brought lots of wine with me, including these two bottles of crab apple, and they went down very nicely indeed. Mike and John were particularly keen. I think Mike even voluntarily opened one of the bottles iin preference to real wine.

I lost track of how much I drank on either night, but it was more than sufficient. The next few days will be spent in temperance.

The Entire 37

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