Sunday 24 April 2016

Blackcurrant Wine - Twelfth Bottle (A5), 17th April 2016

Hallelujah. Repeat ad nauseum. Actually, it is a fabulous piece of music amongst several wonderful arias and choruses in The Messiah.

I made short work of the bottle of wine after returning from a performance of this oratorio. The bassoon part is the same as the cello, which means non-stop quavers with nowhere to breathe. Therefore I more than earned my wine, and it was delicious. Claire, Rachel and I drank it (alarmingly quickly) to olives, cured meat and flat bread before I staggered off to bed and dreamt of essays to be handed in.

NB - The two videos posted are two of my very favourite YouTube videos, and both relate to The Messiah

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