Monday 11 May 2015

Prune & Parsnip Wine - Eleventh Bottle (A1), 3rd-4th May 2015

We had a splendid Mediteranean meal on Sunday, full of chickpeas, aubergines, olives, yoghurt and cucumber, and all accompanied by falaffel and pitta bread (home made). Claire is a genius, and that partly manifests itself in the kitchen. Prune & Parsnip wine was the right choice: sweet with both depth and clarity.

The day was mostly taken up with books and cats. I am reading Lady Audley's Secret - a nineteenth century pot-boiler. Badly written, but with sufficient plot to keep the pages turning and loads of historical detail. In between chapters, we had to take Stan to the vets again. His leg was no better. The vet took him into another room from which emitted yowls and screams of an unhappy cat. We made a further appointment for him today. I shall describe the result in the next bottle. But he is still alive.

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